
Put mp3 player on your page.

Preview picture:

Link to download:

hope it works for you!


T3 PostMan is a complete pm/email suite for seditio framework. 
T3-postman plugin
— Mass PM / Email Users.
— Number of messages to send at once.
— Advance criteria form based on users profiles.
— Include user information in messages (user id, name, email, activation link)
— Integrated PHPMailer 1.73 
— SMTP authentication (including SSL).
— PHP SendMail
— HTML emails.



Link to download


Could someone make this work on sedtio ?
It is basicly a FB like/dislike button for forum,news,comments.

All Seditio and Ldu old plugin here

365 Pieces Plugins Seditio

Select liked download :)

Thanks gofgo!

Check out these plug-ins on the weekends for compatibility and uploaded to the "Plugins"


Kaan, you can archive all 365 plug-ins in a single zip file and put the link here or send it to me in PM?


Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

#375 Kaan :

All Seditio and Ldu old plugin here

365 Pieces Plugins Seditio

Select liked download :)


nice collection!
but i cant find plugin similar to «FB like/dislike button» on forum. I think that plugin would be good to have. 
There is a like plugin i posted a post above, you can install it in seditio, but its not really working properly as its made for cotonti 0.02 and my knowledge is not so good so i cant make it work, but it doesnt have much code.

Anyways, Cheers  guys !

(plugin karma or thanks is not what i would like)


FB like/dislike button plugin for Seditio 175 converted from Cotonti

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

365 plugins single link download:

#381Amro :


FB like/dislike button plugin for Seditio 175 converted from Cotonti


Satisfied You are awesome, going to check it out ;)

I tested it, well, its not working right for me on v. 125


on click (thumb up or down) nothing happens.

on forum,pages,comments.


This post was edited by gofgo (11-12-14 03:53 GMT, 3720 days ago)

For normal work of the plugin you want to connect JQuery in the head section

<script src="//"></script>

I have not tried it, but it might be worth a try to use the files plug.php, of 175 version instead of your scripts, and replace code in on:

/* ====================
Seditio - Website engine
Copyright Neocrome
Description=Plugin loader
==================== */
if (!defined('SED_CODE')) { die('Wrong URL.'); }
$p = sed_import('p','G','ALP');
$e = sed_import('e','G','ALP');
$o = sed_import('o','G','ALP');
$s = sed_import('s','G','ALP');
$r = sed_import('r','G','ALP');
$h = sed_import('h','G','ALP');
$c1= sed_import('c1','G','ALP');
$c2 = sed_import('c2','G','ALP');
$ajx = sed_import('ajx','G','ALP');
unset ($plugin_title, $plugin_body);
if (!empty($p))
    die('Seditio do NOT supports the LDU standard plugins.');
elseif (!empty($e))
    $path_lang_def    = "plugins/$e/lang/$e.en.lang.php";
    $path_lang_alt    = "plugins/$e/lang/$e.$lang.lang.php";
    $path_skin_ntg    = "skins/$skin/plugin.tpl";
    $path_skin_def    = "plugins/$e/$e.tpl";
    $path_skin_alt    = "skins/$skin/plugin.standalone.$e.tpl";
    if (file_exists($path_lang_alt))
        { require($path_lang_alt); }
    elseif (file_exists($path_lang_def))
        { require($path_lang_def); }
    if (file_exists($path_skin_alt))
        $path_skin= $path_skin_alt;
        $autoassigntags = FALSE;
    elseif (file_exists($path_skin_def))
        $path_skin = $path_skin_def;
        $autoassigntags = FALSE;
    elseif (file_exists($path_skin_ntg))
        $path_skin = $path_skin_ntg;
        $autoassigntags = TRUE;
        header("Location: message.php?msg=907");
    list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = sed_auth('plug', $e);
    if (is_array($sed_plugins))
        foreach($sed_plugins as $i => $k)
            if ($k['pl_hook']=='standalone' && $k['pl_code']==$e)
                { $out['subtitle'] = $k['pl_title']; }
    $out['subtitle'] = (empty($L['plu_title'])) ? $out['subtitle'] : $L['plu_title'];
    $sys['sublocation'] = $out['subtitle'];
    /* ============= */
    $t = new XTemplate($path_skin);
    $extp = array();
    if (is_array($sed_plugins))
        foreach($sed_plugins as $i => $k)
            if ($k['pl_hook']=='standalone' && $k['pl_code']==$e)
                { $extp[$i] = $k; }
    if (count($extp)==0)
        header("Location: message.php?msg=907");
    if (is_array($extp))
        { foreach($extp as $k => $pl) { include('plugins/'.$pl['pl_code'].'/'.$pl['pl_file'].'.php'); } }
    if ($autoassigntags)
        $plugin_title = (empty($plugin_title)) ? $L['plu_title'] : $plugin_title;
        $t-> assign(array(
            "PLUGIN_TITLE" => "<a href=\"plug.php?e=$e\">".$plugin_title."</a>",
            "PLUGIN_SUBTITLE" => $plugin_subtitle,
            "PLUGIN_BODY" => $plugin_body
elseif (!empty($o))
    $extp = array();
    if (is_array($sed_plugins))
        foreach($sed_plugins as $i => $k)
            if ($k['pl_hook']=='popup' && $k['pl_code']==$o)
                { $extp[$i] = $k; }
    if (count($extp)==0)
        header("Location: message.php?msg=907");
    $popup_header1 = $cfg['doctype']."<html><head>".sed_htmlmetas()."\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nfunction add(text)\n    {\nopener.document.".$c1.".".$c2.".value += text; }\n//-->\n</script>\n";
    $popup_header2 = "</head><body>";
    $popup_footer = "</body></html>";
    /* ============= */
    $mskin = sed_skinfile(array('popup', $o));
    $t = new XTemplate($mskin);
    if (is_array($extp))
        { foreach($extp as $k => $pl) { include('plugins/'.$pl['pl_code'].'/'.$pl['pl_file'].'.php'); } }
        "POPUP_HEADER1" => $popup_header1,
        "POPUP_HEADER2" => $popup_header2,
        "POPUP_FOOTER" => $popup_footer,
        "POPUP_BODY" => $popup_body,
elseif (!empty($h))
    if ($h=='smilies')
        if (is_array($sed_smilies))
            $popup_body = $L['Smilies']." (".$L['Smilies_explain'].") :<p>";
            $popup_body .= "<div class=\"smilies\"><table>";
            reset ($sed_smilies);
            while (list($i,$dat) = each($sed_smilies))
                $popup_body .= "<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\"><a href=\"javascript:add('".$dat['smilie_code']."')\"><img src=\"".$dat['smilie_image']."\"  alt=\"\" /></a></td><td>".$dat['smilie_code']."</td><td> ".sed_cc($dat['smilie_text'])."</td></tr>";
            $popup_body .= "</table></div></p>";
            { $popup_body = $L['None']; }
    elseif ($h=='bbcodes')
        reset ($sed_bbcodes);
        $popup_body = $L['BBcodes']." (".$L['BBcodes_explain'].") :<p>";
        $popup_body .= "<div class=\"bbcodes\"><table><tr>";
        while (list($i,$dat) = each($sed_bbcodes))
            $kk = "bbcodes_".$dat[1];
            if (substr($dat[1], 0, 5)=='style')
                $popup_body .= "<td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"javascript:add('".$dat[0]."')\">";
                $popup_body .= "<span class=\"bb".$dat[1]."\">".$L[$kk]." &nbsp;</span></td>";
                $popup_body .= "<td><a href=\"javascript:add('".$dat[0]."')\">";
                $popup_body .= "<img src=\"system/img/bbcodes/".$dat[1].".gif\" alt=\"\" /></a></td>";
                $popup_body .= "<td>".$L[$kk]." &nbsp;</td>";
            if ($ii==3)
                $popup_body .= "</tr><tr>";
        $popup_body .= "</table></div></p>";
        $incl = "system/help/$h.txt";
        $fd = @fopen($incl, "r") or die("Couldn't find a file : ".$incl);
        $popup_body = fread($fd, filesize($incl));
    $popup_header1 = $cfg['doctype']."<html><head>".sed_htmlmetas()."\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nfunction add(text)\n    {\nopener.document.".$c1.".".$c2.".value += text; }\n//-->\n</script>\n";
    $popup_header2 = "</head><body>";
    $popup_footer = "</body></html>";
    /* ============= */
    $mskin = sed_skinfile(array('popup', $h));
    $t = new XTemplate($mskin);
        "POPUP_HEADER1" => $popup_header1,
        "POPUP_HEADER2" => $popup_header2,
        "POPUP_FOOTER" => $popup_footer,
        "POPUP_BODY" => $popup_body,
elseif (!empty($r))
    if (strpos($r, "\.") !== FALSE || strpos($r, "/") !== FALSE)
        { sed_die(); }
    $incl = 'plugins/code/'.$r.'.php';
    if (@file_exists($incl))
        { require($incl); }
        { sed_die(); }
elseif (!empty($ajx))
    $extp = array();
    if (is_array($sed_plugins))
        foreach($sed_plugins as $i => $k)
            if ($k['pl_hook']=='ajax' && $k['pl_code']==$ajx)
            { $extp[$i] = $k; }
    if (count($extp)==0)
        header("Location: message.php?msg=907");
	if (is_array($extp))
		{ foreach($extp as $k => $pl) { include('plugins/'.$pl['pl_code'].'/'.$pl['pl_file'].'.php'); } }
elseif ($m=='version')
    $plugin_title = "Seditio FrameWork - Version & copyrights";
    $plugin_body = "<h1>Seditio build 120 / 2007-jun-16</h1><h4>Licence</h4>Important: Seditio is not an open source software product. You must follow the limitations in this software agreement. Technical support is available to those following this agreement with no charge on<br />Neocrome grants you a non-exclusive license to use Seditio if you follow all restrictions in all sections of this agreement.<h4>Copyrights</h4>Ownership rights and intellectual property rights in the Seditio software shall remain with Neocrome. This software is protected by copyright laws and treaties. Title and related rights in the content accessed through the software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable law. This license gives you no rights to such content.<br />Authorisation to remove copyright notices can be obtained from Neocrome for a one time fee. This fee authorises you to remove the output of copyright notices, it does not give you authorisation to remove any copyright notices in the script source header files nor any other rights.<h4>Scope of grant</h4>You may :<p>- Use the software on one or more computers.<br />- Customise the software's design to suit the needs of your own web site.<br />- Produce and distribute modification instructions, skin packs or language packs provided that they contain notification that it was originally created by Neocrome. The modifications instructions you personally create are not owned by Neocrome so long as they contain no proprietary coding from Seditio.</p>You may not :<p>- Use Seditio for illegal activities.<br />- Modify and/or remove the copyright notice in the footer and in the header of each script source file.<br />- Reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works based on Seditio for distribution or usage outside your website.<br />- Distribute Seditio without written consent from Neocrome.<br />- Permit other individuals to use Seditio except under the terms listed above.</p><h4>Third party modifications</h4>Technical support will not be provided for third-party modifications to the software including modifications to code, Skin packs, and Language packs to any license holder. If Seditio is modified using a third-party modification instruction or otherwise, technical support may be refused to any license holder.<h4>Disclaimer of warranty</h4>The Software is provided on an 'as is' basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this software is borne by you.<h4>Contacts</h4>You can contact Neocrome at <a href=''></a> for questions.";
    /* ============= */
    $t = new XTemplate("skins/".$skin."/plugin.tpl");
    $t-> assign(array(
        "PLUGIN_TITLE" => $plugin_title,
        "PLUGIN_BODY" => $plugin_body
    { sed_die(); }


Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

Thank you! that seemed to fix the problem on test page. Ill test it now on live page :D


too  bad its not working on my real page… :(

This post was edited by gofgo (12-12-14 01:54 GMT, 3719 days ago)

Wont work as i have alot of scripts in header.tpl probabbly..

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not definedpulse.core.js:5 (anonymous function)



This problem with Jquery.

Jquery must be connected at the top of the head section.

Need the correct sequence:1) Jquery 2) {HEADER_METAS} 3) {HEADER_COMPOPUP} 


<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="plugins/like/assets/js/pulse.core.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="plugins/like/assets/js/pulse.core.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

header.tpl example:

<!-- BEGIN: HEADER -->
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="skins/{}/{}.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />




Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

Thank you amro, i forgot to report that it is working. 

Now, description of plugin if someone wants to use it.

You can decide if you want a thumb up, or both, thumb up / down on forum posts, or comments, or pages/articles… or on all of them.

You can choose with design of likes, so you can choose between «youtube style,reddit style and other two thumbs»
all thumbs are easily subtituted with your own.

Preview: (its a picture, dont click thumb up Mister grin )

Sample on my skin. (like i said, you can customize icons...)