Tags listed below are valid for all the skin files.
# Tag Block or loop Type TPL Details Ver.
1 PHP.out.adminpanel - Link global 100
2 PHP.out.compopup - Composite global 100
3 PHP.out.loginout - Link global 100
4 PHP.out.logstatus - Composite global 100
5 PHP.out.metas - Composite global 100
6 PHP.out.notices - Composite global 100
7 PHP.out.pfs - Link global 100
8 PHP.out.pmreminder - Link global 100
9 PHP.out.pms - Link global 100
10 PHP.out.profile - Link global 100
11 PHP.out.userlist - Link global 100
12 PHP.out.viewmode - ? global 100
13 PHP.sys.creationtime - String global 100
14 PHP.sys.endtime - Time global 100
15 PHP.sys.include.admin - String global 100
16 PHP.sys.include.auth - String global 100
17 PHP.sys.include.comments - String global 100
18 PHP.sys.include.forums - String global 100
19 PHP.sys.include.index - String global 100
20 PHP.sys.include.links - String global 100
21 PHP.sys.include.list - String global 100
22 PHP.sys.include.message - String global 100
23 PHP.sys.include.news - String global 100
24 PHP.sys.include.page - String global 100
25 PHP.sys.include.pfs - String global 100
26 PHP.sys.include.plug - String global 100
27 PHP.sys.include.pm - String global 100
28 PHP.sys.include.polls - String global 100
29 PHP.sys.include.profile - String global 100
30 PHP.sys.include.ratings - String global 100
31 PHP.sys.include.users - String global 100
32 PHP.sys.include.view - String global 100
33 PHP.out.img_down - Image global Arrow down 100
34 PHP.out.img_left - Image global Arrow left 100
35 PHP.out.img_right - Image global Arrow right 100
36 PHP.out.img_up - Image global Arrow up 100
37 PHP.sys.starttime - Time global Beginning of the process 100
38 PHP.cfg.access_pfs - Integer global Configuration setting 100
39 PHP.cfg.allowphp_pages - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
40 PHP.cfg.antileech - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
41 PHP.cfg.av_maxsize - Integer global Configuration setting 100
42 PHP.cfg.av_maxx - Integer global Configuration setting 100
43 PHP.cfg.av_maxy - Integer global Configuration setting 100
44 PHP.cfg.banner - Text global Configuration setting 100
45 PHP.cfg.bottomline - Text global Configuration setting 100
46 PHP.cfg.charset - Integer global Configuration setting 100
47 PHP.cfg.commentsminlevel - Level global Configuration setting 100
48 PHP.cfg.cookiedomain - String global Configuration setting 100
49 PHP.cfg.cookielifetime - Integer global Configuration setting 100
50 PHP.cfg.cookiepath - String global Configuration setting 100
51 PHP.cfg.countcomments - String global Configuration setting 100
52 PHP.cfg.dateformat - String global Configuration setting 100
53 PHP.cfg.disablecomments - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
54 PHP.cfg.disableforums - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
55 PHP.cfg.disablehitstats - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
56 PHP.cfg.disablepfs - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
57 PHP.cfg.disablepm - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
58 PHP.cfg.disablepolls - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
59 PHP.cfg.disableratings - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
60 PHP.cfg.disablereg - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
61 PHP.cfg.disablespecialrules - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
62 PHP.cfg.disablesysinfos - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
63 PHP.cfg.disablewhosonline - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
64 PHP.cfg.doctypeid - Integer global Configuration setting 100
65 PHP.cfg.extra1title - Link global Configuration setting 100
66 PHP.cfg.extra1tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
67 PHP.cfg.extra1uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
68 PHP.cfg.extra2title - Link global Configuration setting 100
69 PHP.cfg.extra2tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
70 PHP.cfg.extra2uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
71 PHP.cfg.extra3title - Link global Configuration setting 100
72 PHP.cfg.extra3tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
73 PHP.cfg.extra3uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
74 PHP.cfg.extra4title - Link global Configuration setting 100
75 PHP.cfg.extra4tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
76 PHP.cfg.extra4uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
77 PHP.cfg.extra5title - Link global Configuration setting 100
78 PHP.cfg.extra5tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
79 PHP.cfg.extra5uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
80 PHP.cfg.extra6title - Link global Configuration setting 100
81 PHP.cfg.extra6tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
82 PHP.cfg.extra6uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
83 PHP.cfg.extra7title - Link global Configuration setting 100
84 PHP.cfg.extra7tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
85 PHP.cfg.extra7uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
86 PHP.cfg.extra8title - Link global Configuration setting 100
87 PHP.cfg.extra8tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
88 PHP.cfg.extra8uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
89 PHP.cfg.extra9title - Link global Configuration setting 100
90 PHP.cfg.extra9tsetting - String global Configuration setting 100
91 PHP.cfg.extra9uchange - String global Configuration setting 100
92 PHP.cfg.forcedefaultlang - String global Configuration setting 100
93 PHP.cfg.forcedefaultskin - String global Configuration setting 100
94 PHP.cfg.formatmonthday - String global Configuration setting 100
95 PHP.cfg.formatmonthdayhourmin - String global Configuration setting 100
96 PHP.cfg.formatyearmonthday - String global Configuration setting 100
97 PHP.cfg.freetext1 - Text global Configuration setting 100
98 PHP.cfg.freetext2 - Text global Configuration setting 100
99 PHP.cfg.freetext3 - Text global Configuration setting 100
100 PHP.cfg.freetext4 - Text global Configuration setting 100
101 PHP.cfg.freetext5 - Text global Configuration setting 100
102 PHP.cfg.freetext6 - Text global Configuration setting 100
103 PHP.cfg.freetext7 - Text global Configuration setting 100
104 PHP.cfg.freetext8 - Text global Configuration setting 100
105 PHP.cfg.freetext9 - Text global Configuration setting 100
106 PHP.cfg.gzip - IP global Configuration setting 100
107 PHP.cfg.hideprivateforums - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
108 PHP.cfg.hottopictrigger - Integer global Configuration setting 100
109 PHP.cfg.keepoldpms - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
110 PHP.cfg.maintenance - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
111 PHP.cfg.maintenance_reason - String global Configuration setting 100
112 PHP.cfg.maxnewsinindex - Integer global Configuration setting 100
113 PHP.cfg.maxrowsperpage - Integer global Configuration setting 100
114 PHP.cfg.maxtopicsperpage - Integer global Configuration setting 100
115 PHP.cfg.maxusersperpage - Integer global Configuration setting 100
116 PHP.cfg.menu1 - Text global Configuration setting 100
117 PHP.cfg.menu2 - Text global Configuration setting 100
118 PHP.cfg.menu3 - Text global Configuration setting 100
119 PHP.cfg.menu4 - Text global Configuration setting 100
120 PHP.cfg.menu5 - Text global Configuration setting 100
121 PHP.cfg.menu6 - Text global Configuration setting 100
122 PHP.cfg.menu7 - Text global Configuration setting 100
123 PHP.cfg.menu8 - Text global Configuration setting 100
124 PHP.cfg.menu9 - Text global Configuration setting 100
125 PHP.cfg.metakeywords - String global Configuration setting 100
126 PHP.cfg.motd - Text global Configuration setting 100
127 PHP.cfg.newwindows - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
128 PHP.cfg.parsebbcodecom - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
129 PHP.cfg.parsebbcodeforums - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
130 PHP.cfg.parsebbcodejrn - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
131 PHP.cfg.parsebbcodepages - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
132 PHP.cfg.parsebbcodeusertext - Text global Configuration setting 100
133 PHP.cfg.parsesmiliescom - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
134 PHP.cfg.parsesmiliesforums - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
135 PHP.cfg.parsesmiliespages - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
136 PHP.cfg.parsesmiliesusertext - Text global Configuration setting 100
137 PHP.cfg.pm_allownotifications - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
138 PHP.cfg.pm_maxsize - Integer global Configuration setting 100
139 PHP.cfg.posterminlevel - Level global Configuration setting 100
140 PHP.cfg.regnoactivation - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
141 PHP.cfg.regrequireadmin - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
142 PHP.cfg.separator - String global Configuration setting 100
143 PHP.cfg.servertimezone - String global Configuration setting 100
144 PHP.cfg.shieldenabled - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
145 PHP.cfg.shieldtadjust - Integer global Configuration setting 100
146 PHP.cfg.shieldzhammer - Integer global Configuration setting 100
147 PHP.cfg.shortldulink - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
148 PHP.cfg.showsqlstats - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
149 PHP.cfg.th_amode - Integer global Configuration setting 100
150 PHP.cfg.th_border - Integer global Configuration setting 100
151 PHP.cfg.th_colorbg - Integer global Configuration setting 100
152 PHP.cfg.th_colortext - Text global Configuration setting 100
153 PHP.cfg.th_jpeg_quality - Integer global Configuration setting 100
154 PHP.cfg.th_keepratio - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
155 PHP.cfg.th_textsize - Integer global Configuration setting 100
156 PHP.cfg.th_x - Integer global Configuration setting 100
157 PHP.cfg.th_y - Integer global Configuration setting 100
158 PHP.cfg.timedout - Integer global Configuration setting 100
159 PHP.cfg.topline - Text global Configuration setting 100
160 PHP.cfg.useremailchange - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
161 PHP.cfg.userlistminlevel - Level global Configuration setting 100
162 PHP.cfg.usertextimg - Boolean global Configuration setting 100
163 PHP.cfg.usertextmax - Integer global Configuration setting 100
164 PHP.sys.pagesqueued - Integer global Count pages queued 100
165 PHP.lang - String global Current user : language 100
166 PHP.skin - String global Current user : skin 100
167 PHP.usr.ip - IP global Current user IP 100
168 PHP.userip.0 - Integer global Current user IP, 1st part 100
169 PHP.userip.1 - Integer global Current user IP, 2nd part 100
170 PHP.userip.2 - Integer global Current user IP, 3rd part 100
171 PHP.userip.3 - Integer global Current user IP, 4th part 100
172 PHP.out.whosonline - Composite global Currently online : X members and Y visitors 100
173 PHP.out.creationtime - String global LDU created this page in… 100
174 PHP.cfg.version - String global LDU version 100
175 PHP.out.whosonline_reg_list - Composite global List of registered members online 100
176 PHP.maxusers - Integer global Maximum count of users online 100
177 PHP.sys.whosonline_reg_count - Integer global Members online count 100
178 PHP.sys.whosonline_all_count - Integer global Members+visitors online count 100
179 PHP.out.copyright - ? global Powered by LDU 100
180 PHP.sys.referer - URL global Referer URL 100
181 PHP.cfg.av_dir - ? global Relative path to default avatars 100
182 PHP.cfg.pfs_dir - ? global Relative path to PFS files 100
183 PHP.cfg.th_dir - ? global Relative path to PFS thumbnails 100
184 PHP.sys.now_offset - Time global Server time, corrected 100
185 PHP.sys.now - Time global Server time, raw 100
186 PHP.sys.subtitle - String global Subtitle 100
187 PHP.out.bottomline - Composite global The bottom line 100
188 PHP.out.devmode - Composite global The output of the dev-mode 100
189 PHP.out.sqlstatistics - String global The SQL stats 100
190 PHP.sys.day - String global Today, format : Y-m-d 100
191 PHP.sys.comingback - Boolean global True is the user is back 100
192 PHP.usr.profile.user_active - ? global User profile (raw) 100
193 PHP.usr.profile.user_avatar - ? global User profile (raw) 100
194 PHP.usr.profile.user_banexpire - ? global User profile (raw) 100
195 PHP.usr.profile.user_banned - ? global User profile (raw) 100
196 PHP.usr.profile.user_birthdate - Date global User profile (raw) 100
197 PHP.usr.profile.user_country - ? global User profile (raw) 100
198 PHP.usr.profile.user_email - ? global User profile (raw) 100
199 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra1 - String global User profile (raw) 100
200 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra2 - String global User profile (raw) 100
201 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra3 - String global User profile (raw) 100
202 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra4 - String global User profile (raw) 100
203 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra5 - String global User profile (raw) 100
204 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra6 - String global User profile (raw) 100
205 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra7 - String global User profile (raw) 100
206 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra8 - String global User profile (raw) 100
207 PHP.usr.profile.user_extra9 - String global User profile (raw) 100
208 PHP.usr.profile.user_gallerycount - Integer global User profile (raw) 100
209 PHP.usr.profile.user_gender - ? global User profile (raw) 100
210 PHP.usr.profile.user_hideemail - ? global User profile (raw) 100
211 PHP.usr.profile.user_icq - ? global User profile (raw) 100
212 PHP.usr.profile.user_id - Integer global User profile (raw) 100
213 PHP.usr.profile.user_irc - ? global User profile (raw) 100
214 PHP.usr.profile.user_lang - String global User profile (raw) 100
215 PHP.usr.profile.user_lastip - IP global User profile (raw) 100
216 PHP.usr.profile.user_lastlog - ? global User profile (raw) 100
217 PHP.usr.profile.user_lastvisit - ? global User profile (raw) 100
218 PHP.usr.profile.user_level - Level global User profile (raw) 100
219 PHP.usr.profile.user_location - ? global User profile (raw) 100
220 PHP.usr.profile.user_logcount - Integer global User profile (raw) 100
221 PHP.usr.profile.user_lostpass - ? global User profile (raw) 100
222 PHP.usr.profile.user_msn - ? global User profile (raw) 100
223 PHP.usr.profile.user_name - ? global User profile (raw) 100
224 PHP.usr.profile.user_occupation - ? global User profile (raw) 100
225 PHP.usr.profile.user_password - ? global User profile (raw) 100
226 PHP.usr.profile.user_photo - ? global User profile (raw) 100
227 PHP.usr.profile.user_pmnotify - ? global User profile (raw) 100
228 PHP.usr.profile.user_postcount - Integer global User profile (raw) 100
229 PHP.usr.profile.user_regdate - Date global User profile (raw) 100
230 PHP.usr.profile.user_sid - Integer global User profile (raw) 100
231 PHP.usr.profile.user_signature - ? global User profile (raw) 100
232 PHP.usr.profile.user_skin - String global User profile (raw) 100
233 PHP.usr.profile.user_text - Text global User profile (raw) 100
234 PHP.usr.profile.user_timezone - ? global User profile (raw) 100
235 PHP.usr.profile.user_website - ? global User profile (raw) 100
236 PHP.sys.whosonline_vis_count - Integer global Visitors online count 100
Alphanumerical Letters or numbers
Array Array, use with : {PHP.array.pointer}
Boolean 0 or 1
Composite A mix of several other types
Date Formatted date
Image Image (<img src="..." alt="">)
Input Form input or textarea
Integer Integer, positive or negative
Link A standard link (<a href="...">...</a>)
Level Integer, between 0 and 59
Raw link Raw link (page.php.id=...)
Alphanumerical String, same as text, but length always inferior to 255
Simple text Text, without quotes or double quotes
Text Text, including special chars
Time Unix timestamp, in seconds
URL URL (http://www.t3-design.com, or without "http://")
System Required by the system