The tags listed here are valid only in the skin file : users.profile.tpl
# Tag Block or loop Type TPL Details Ver.
1 USERS_PROFILE_TEXT - Text users.profile.tpl 100
2 USERS_PROFILE_SUBTITLE - String users.profile.tpl 100
3 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA8 - String users.profile.tpl 100
4 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA9 - String users.profile.tpl 100
5 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA7 - String users.profile.tpl 100
6 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA6 - String users.profile.tpl 100
7 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA5 - String users.profile.tpl 100
8 USERS_PROFILE_ADMINRIGHTS - String users.profile.tpl 100
9 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA4 - String users.profile.tpl 100
10 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA3 - String users.profile.tpl 100
11 USERS_PROFILE_LANG - String users.profile.tpl 100
12 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA2 - String users.profile.tpl 100
13 USERS_PROFILE_SKIN - String users.profile.tpl 100
14 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA1 - String users.profile.tpl 100
15 USERS_PROFILE_NAME - String users.profile.tpl 100
16 USERS_PROFILE_PASSWORD - String users.profile.tpl 100
17 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA7_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
18 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA9_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
19 USERS_PROFILE_PAGETITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
20 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA8_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
21 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA6_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
22 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA5_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
23 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA4_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
24 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA3_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
25 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA2_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
26 USERS_PROFILE_EXTRA1_TITLE - Link users.profile.tpl 100
27 USERS_PROFILE_ID - Integer users.profile.tpl 100
28 USERS_PROFILE_LOGCOUNT - Integer users.profile.tpl 100
29 USERS_PROFILE_ICQ - Input users.profile.tpl 100
30 USERS_PROFILE_TEXTBOXER - Input users.profile.tpl 100
31 USERS_PROFILE_SIGNATURE - Input users.profile.tpl 100
32 USERS_PROFILE_PHOTO - Input users.profile.tpl 100
33 USERS_PROFILE_TIMEZONE - Input users.profile.tpl 100
34 USERS_PROFILE_WEBSITE - Input users.profile.tpl 100
35 USERS_PROFILE_SKYPE - Input users.profile.tpl 175
36 USERS_PROFILE_OCCUPATION - Input users.profile.tpl 100
37 USERS_PROFILE_NEWPASS2 - Input users.profile.tpl 100
38 USERS_PROFILE_NEWPASS1 - Input users.profile.tpl 100
39 USERS_PROFILE_MSN - Input users.profile.tpl 100
40 USERS_PROFILE_LOCATION - Input users.profile.tpl 100
41 USERS_PROFILE_IRC - Input users.profile.tpl 100
42 USERS_PROFILE_GENDER - Input users.profile.tpl 100
43 USERS_PROFILE_EMAIL - Input users.profile.tpl 100
44 USERS_PROFILE_AVATAR - Input users.profile.tpl 100
45 USERS_PROFILE_REGDATE - Date users.profile.tpl 100
46 USERS_PROFILE_LASTLOG - Date users.profile.tpl 100
47 USERS_PROFILE_BIRTHDATE - Date users.profile.tpl 100
48 USERS_PROFILE_FORM_SEND - ? users.profile.tpl 100
Alphanumerical Letters or numbers
Array Array, use with : {PHP.array.pointer}
Boolean 0 or 1
Composite A mix of several other types
Date Formatted date
Image Image (<img src="..." alt="">)
Input Form input or textarea
Integer Integer, positive or negative
Link A standard link (<a href="...">...</a>)
Level Integer, between 0 and 59
Raw link Raw link (
Alphanumerical String, same as text, but length always inferior to 255
Simple text Text, without quotes or double quotes
Text Text, including special chars
Time Unix timestamp, in seconds
URL URL (, or without "http://")
System Required by the system