Seditio Logo Manager

You can upload as many logos as you want with Seditio logo manager.

Seditio is used in versions 175 and above.

Install the plugin in the standard way.

The sql file will be loaded automatically.

  1. admin/tools > Tools
  2. admin/tools?p=adminlogo > Logo Manager
  3. admin/tools?p=adminlogo&n=add > Add Logo

You can add unlimited logos.
You can make any Logo you want as the default logo.
It has Active / Passive Setting.
When you activate all or 2 logos, the last uploaded one according to the date will be active.
You can delete and edit the logo whenever you want.
Automatic sizing and css class assignment are available.
Add the {ADMIN_LOGO} tag to header.tpl wherever you want the Logo to appear on your site.

Download : Seditio Logo Manager
Size: 7KB, downloaded 269 times


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